Wednesday, January 23, 2008

2008 Election Rant #1

I was sent this link to an essay by Garrison Keillor about the current presidential campaigns and how none of them seem to have a true sense of wit in attacking other candidates. He writes:

The candidates are hoping to be affable, brave, capable, decisive, electable, etcetera, but wit and combativeness are not evidently what Americans hope for in a leader, otherwise the pollsters would have located this hope, measured it, and speechwriters would be assigned to write invective that truly lashes and makes the lashee weep for pain. Personally, I think it would be a blast.

It's an interesting point of view from GK, but isn't it a bit sad to think that what people really want from presidential candidates us mere entertainment? What about signs of compassion? respect? dignity?

This is why I don't follow campaigns this early in the game (and it is all about the game), because nothing of genuine value seems to emerge, just sniping and whining, like what is already happening between Clinton and Obama. As the attacking becomes more desperate in the weeks before the conventions, it seems the campaigns will be hoping to impress us with how well they can "slam" the other candidate with negative accusations. It's like a schoolyard insult contest, and I'm supposed to vote for someone just because they made a better "Yo' mama so fat..." joke about their competition. Please....

I want to see a candidate rise to the occasion by not underestimating the intelligence of this country. If attacked, defend with clear, easily explained evidence to the contrary, and move on without giving in to the urge to attack back. Show that you can stand up to bullying like that, and I'll believe you can stand up to the world and follow your convictions.

Prove that you can admit you're wrong if you are, and let me know why you made a mistake, but don't let such a thing define you. Just admit you're human like me, that you understand that being President is one of the worst jobs in the world, but that you know you're ready to take it on anyway because you have a passion for the welfare of this country and its people that has built up so strongly inside you that you just can't sit by and watch the opportunity to do something about it vanish.

That's who I want to vote for. I don't think I've found them yet.

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